(Last updated 9/24/06)


Do you give homework every night? How much?
With rare exceptions, I assign homework every night. It is normally about 20 questions, and should take students around 30 minutes or so. On Fridays, I assign only 10 questions.

What is the "FAM" class??
It stands for "Foundations of Advanced Mathematics". Its primary purpose is to help students who have not been successful in math in the past. It prepares students for the state placement test given at the end of the each session (semester). If the student passes this test, they go on to Algebra or whatever other class they are supposed to be in. It is also covering material that will help students succeed in Algebra, and pass the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE).

What is the "Generic Math" class??
This is the FAM class.

Is the FAM class remedial?
Sort of. If by "remedial", you mean is it for dummies or retarded people, the answer is "Absolutely Not!". The students in the FAM classes have big holes in their math knowledge for many reasons, but in our experience, the vast majority of the FAM students are intelligent young men and women who just haven't learned their math until now.

If by "remedial" you mean is it a class that is covering material from earlier grades, the answer is "Yes." The students in the FAM classes need to master a number of important concepts and skills in order to be successful in future math classes such as Algebra and Geometry and in order to succeed on the CAHSEE.


My grade isn't very good! Why not?
Almost for sure, it is because your mastery topics have not been learned. Have you been coming to class every day, trying hard, and doing your homework? If not, that is probably why you aren't learning well -- you've got to come to school, pay attention, try hard, and do your homework to be a successful student.

Remember, you can retake tests once you have mastered old material, so don't give up! I've had students work hard and change really bad grades into really good ones, so you can do it, too.

I am coming to class every day, working hard, and trying to do my homework! But I still don't get it.
OK, that's great that you are doing your job. When you don't get something, are you asking questions in class? Because it is hard for any teacher to help you if s/he doesn't know that you don't get it yet. Sometimes you might be afraid to ask questions, but in my class it is always appreciated. And it will help you a lot.

Yes, I ask lots of questions in class, and do everything else I am supposed to, but I am still failing!!
OK, then you need to get some additional help from someone. Tutoring is available at lunch in room 19 and after school in Room 18. You can get tutoring from me, too, just talk to me about it. There are also students, adults, and paid tutors who can help you. You can learn math and succeed in this class, you just need to get some additional help.

I get the math stuff, but I'm just not good at taking tests...
In this case, you probably only sort of get it. If you aren't good at taking tests, then you need to make absolutely sure you master the material! If you have truly mastered the material before the test, then the test will be easy for you, and you won't panic. So you need to work extra hard in class, on the homework, and ask questions to make sure you totally and completely understand new material.

I just need a C in order to graduate. Won't you ****please**** just give me a C?
I'm sorry, I just don't do that. I report to the school whatever grade you have earned, period. If you need a C, you must learn enough math to earn a C. You can do it.


How can I tell how my son/daughter is doing in your class?
You can email me at to get your child's latest grade. I have the grades posted in class (coded for privacy), so your child should always know his/her grade.